TEDxSuva and my behind the scenes lens

I am the organizer for TEDxSuva and this is my “behind the scenes lens” of a blog post.
The last couple of months have been the most difficult for me ever. A time where I wanted to give up on everything. I transitioned into a new job within the Pacific Community (SPC), went through separation/divorce, (Side note- Ok so long story short, so if you have seen the movie The Other Woman then that is basically what you need to know) and topping everything off was putting together TEDxSuva 2019. So yes, I wanted to give up and quit.
But I am wanting to share how this all comes together and how much we enjoy putting together TEDxSuva.
Some background for you to know:
TEDxSuva’s first event was held in 2016 and was started off by incredible humans namely, Raijeli Nicole, Lisa Kingsberry, Soli Middleby and Jordie Kilby. These gang realised the need to have a team and one that is locally based and passionate about the vision for TEDxSuva. Basically giving birth to the team that now exists being, myself, Joseph Hing, Merewalesi Nailatikau, Prayush Chetty, Paefou Panapa, Ernest Gibson, Lisa Kingsberry, Neisau Tuidraki, Maivon Wahid, Katy Miller and Kunal Singh.
About TED
How about you go to the wonderful World Wide Web, research, read and understand what this is all about and how TEDx events work and operate. But I will say this:
The team- We all have full time jobs! Do you know how much effort and time it takes to put together an event outside of working hours? We are a passionate bunch of individuals who are committed to bringing this platform to life and NO WE DO NOT GET PAID. So sorry not sorry if you find anyone from the team correcting misinformed individuals about how things are done.
Are we an elite group? I think we are. Especially when we work so so so damn hard, to put together an event with ZERO budget and toil away trying to build it up from ZERO and all and only thanks to sponsors that come on board to support what we believe in. Imagine having a sponsor pulling out last minute and having to run around trying to fill in that gap while trying not to have a mental breakdown (yes I cried on numerous occasions) but we made and make it happen. So yes we are elite. Thank you.
The event - we comply with guidelines set by TED, so no we cannot bend the rules to suit us. We have to be consistent with what is set up by them so please stop giving us a hard time about that yeah?
You don’t pay a single cent- It is a FREE event. To be part of the live audience, all you have to do is answer 3-4 questions.
Selection – The screening is done only based on responses. We don’t even know your name or ethnicity when the responses are being looked at. New people, entirely independent of TEDxSuva are brought in to help with the selection process. So if you do get a ticket it’s because you answered the questions well and if you didn’t, well then you didn’t. It is like going for a job interview and if you don’t get the job it is only because there would have been better candidates then you. Exactly. But we also do live stream the event so you can watch from the comforts of your home!
Speakers- We are always pleased to showcase diverse individuals on the TEDxSuva platform. Is this an easy process? Absolutely not! Our speakers are nervous to put themselves out there. It takes weeks and weeks of trainings, meetings and coaching to prepare them for the day of the event. Remember these speakers are also full time working people and we work around meeting them according to their schedule. I have so much respect and love for our speakers and it is great to learn so much from them.

How it comes together
#notsponsoredbyHI But Holiday Inn Suva is where our committee always meets and we joke about it being the HQ for us. If you wonder how the theme is set, well it depends on what is suggested or what is currently relative in our country. Then we look at a long list of potential speakers and we start approaching them to see if they are keen. This year when the speakers went on one by one, I was sitting outside and crying. I cannot explain what an emotional journey it has been for me personally.
We also start approaching potential sponsors and honestly we would not be able to pull it off without the sponsors that come on board. They provide us the means to give our audience, live stream video coverage, food, coffee, water, gift bags, tents, chairs and all those small bits and pieces that are needed for an event.
We also have an enthusiastic bunch of volunteers and again, you apply to be a volunteer. The volunteers that we had this year were incredible and hardworking.

And so?
As a team, lots of hard work, disagreements, missing meetings, showing up to fill in the gaps when needed, bringing coffee or wine to keep the team going, picking up the slack when one member is busy, going the extra mile- only to make this event about the essence of it being that is going to be one about ideas worth spreading.
At the end of the day, we want people discussing that one talk that motivated, inspired or challenged them. And that is what is rewarding for us.
Once the event is over, we all take a deep breath and then work on getting the videos ready for release.
Thank you Neisau, Joseph, Katy, Lisa, Mere, Fou, Pray, Maivon, Sachiko, Ernest and Kunal.
Thank you to our sponsors and volunteers.
Thank you to you our audience and everyone that applied to be part of this.
To our licensee wonder woman Raijeli- thank you for believing in and allowing us the space to run wild and free!
And lastly, thank you to our brilliant speakers, Lorraine and Fay, Raeed, Semi, Ronna, Shaunalee and Mue. You have inspired us all.
I am excited to orchestrate this again in 2020 and do it all again from scratch, the love, sweat, tears and may I add blood (LOL) is totally worth it. Cheers!