Holding space
Apparently, it's a buzz phrase that’s becoming a thing, so I thought to use it! So yes, I am holding space for MYSELF. Before you wonder...

From The Side-lines
It took a work trip to Kiribati to really knock some sense into me. Between the electricity and internet outages, what else can one do...

Namosi Marathon Challenge
Now this was one hell of a tough run challenge! To think that we signed up initially for the 21k to only change to 10k 2 weeks before...

Run while you can!
Like seriously, run while you can! For me, at my age of 37-years young, I gotta put in the work to stay sane and feel good. As I keep...

A few of my favourite things from Fiji Fashion Week 2024
P.S. That photo is an old one! I was away in Brisbane and missed Fiji Fashion Week and all things fashion. However, that will not stop me...
Conquering the highest peak in Fiji!
I am still comprehending the fact that we conquered Mount Tomavini, the highest peak in Fiji at 1,324m. Just know that I sit here writing...

Sip and paint!
Whoever started this trend in the world, did something right! I was thrilled to see this finally pop up in Suva by Art and Wine Fiji and of

Living with self
If you think that sounds boring and a bit of a lonely situation, then I am here to tell you that it is not. Well, not for me at least....

Mirror Moments: Self Reflection
Here I am adding the “yes my blog is still around” post by talking about self-reflection. I know I have been slack when it comes to this...

Am I embarrassing myself through my blogs?
Don’t you get embarrassed writing about your experiences and failed relationships? I get asked this question quite a lot and frankly...