My baby brother is getting married!!

I am still finding it hard to believe that this is actually happening, the youngest and only son in our family is getting married this weekend (we are three sisters). I still see him as a silly annoying little boy and he would probably yell at me for still thinking this way. I do not know about you, but we are typical siblings, that love and fight on repeat!

It is a christian wedding and will take place in Sigatoka and just like any other wedding it will be full of chaos. However, it will be memorable and I know that we will laugh about how it all went down years later.

For now, I am trying to figure out what jewelry is going to match my outfit and I am close to tears because I cannot find anything that I like. Any suggestions?
So far Kamal is doing a good job patiently keeping up with my constant whining. While I continue to be a drama queen, just know that this week, I will be featuring all things wedding prep and drama Fiji style.
Hope you have a great long weekend planned ahead! xoxo!!