It is called harassment and its not ok!

I never imagined that I would ever be the target of stalking, intimidation, and harassment. In fact, no one ever thinks that would happen to them ever and it doesn’t even matter what gender you are.
It has taken me some time to post this because I was cautious, paying attention and weighing in on what else could possibly go wrong. Then I reminded myself that I am Evlyn Mani and I refuse to let anyone, especially a man get in my way.
Yes yes, another relationship gone wrong, except this time the guy was the smoothest player I had ever met. Long story short (and again I don’t know why I pick the wrong ones) But a guy I was “seeing” was also maintaining full blown relationships with other women and to think I would never find out!
Go ahead laugh at me, but shit happens, and it is unfortunate that despite laying down the ground rules about being exclusive blah blah blah, some just don’t see it that way. (I am writing about exclusive relationships and the opposite as well btw).
When this ended, I was hurt but also, I had been through waves of betrayal and disloyalty in my previous life, so for me to move on and accept that what I was in, was an entire lie, was easy.
However, what I do not accept is that when I have amicably moved ahead and out how dare a man decide to stone my house, harass and intimidate me.
I am not a scared, damsel in distress kinda girl. I believe in amicable solutions however you disrupt my peace when I asked you to stay in your lane, I will not falter to take things further and involve the relevant authorities.
If you looked up the statistics for cases of harassment or even sexual harassment and domestic violence it is heart wrenching, sad, disgusting and appalling. There are so many that go unreported or uncounted for and sadly some have led to death.
Is there education lacking in families on this subject? Are we letting some men get away with it just because they come from influential families, rich or good jobs? Are we as women letting it slide, because we think its ok, the men will get over it with time?
I cannot comprehend how some men think being monsters is normal. When will this stop? I don’t have the answers, but I hope this generates some form of self- reflection, discussion and I truly hope we as women, stop feeling intimidated by such men and speak up against this behaviour.