I don’t know type, but if it fits!

Seriously. If I knew what my type is, I would not be divorced! Ok bad joke but really, ever since I started to embrace this newfound single life, I get asked this question a lot. I DON’T KNOW, SO STOP ASKING ME!
How do we even know what or who our type is? I guess I will find out as the days progress (wink wink).
What I really wanted to talk about is women and their bodies. Because most of us are obsessed with body types. For instance, I always thought that in order to wear swimwear, we need to have a certain body type. Of course, we don’t! We all have different opinions and preferences about what to beachwear and that’s fine. If you are not comfortable wearing a bikini or onesie that is fine.

Growing up we would wear onesies and would sometimes wear shorts on top of it. But as we become adults the choice on what we would wear to the beach was really ours. My mom has always been a driving force with making sure we were looking after ourselves and being fancy and extra af!
In Fiji and the Pacific, it is understandable that we are modest and dress a certain way. Going to the beach and wearing beach wear was frowned up and to some extent still is. But times are changing, I have seen young girls and women wear bikinis or onesies at beaches and not even bother about what anyone thinks.
Women are becoming more empowered about their bodies. I used to be so conscious of how I would look in a bikini or onesie and what people would say about that way I look. It took a while to get comfortable in my skin and once I did that was that. I know no longer cringe or feel shy at what people will think of me. Heck, I will post that picture in a bikini and I will be the topic of conversation for some of you like, gosh so shameless...which btw I really DGAF.
My dear friend Alysha is an inspiration to me. She rocks swimwear like a pro and embraces and flaunts her curves with confidence. As women, we should stop being so hard on ourselves with whether our bodies are beachwear type or whether a jumpsuit will look good on us.

Why are we so obsessed with a type? If we are comfortable in a certain attire, isn’t that enough? Why should I be worried about men perving on me? Shouldn’t men & women take it upon themselves to be respectful of what someone wears? Are we not teaching ourselves basic humanity?

Phew ok! I write this because over the past couple of weeks, I have had people ask me, so what is your type? And this has been in reference to men, clothes and food. I have realised that it takes time to know what your style is, what type of coffee, cheese or wine you like, just as much time it takes to decide what type of guy is your really ever going to be your type!
So next time, maybe instead ask a person “Hey have you figured out your type yet or rather says “It’s ok, with time you will know what your type is”.
For now, if it fits, it is my type!