Solomon Islands 101

Solomon Islands is a sovereign country located north east of Australia and sea locked between Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Tuvalu, Fiji, Vanuatu and Australia. It is a member of the Commonwealth and South Pacific community hence we are friendly.
There are three main ethnic groups in the Solomons namely Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia. That being said, ethnicity and race is a non-issue. Regardless of race, ethnicity, we can still call you a Solomon Islander.
While it is classified as a Small Island Developing State, it is comprised of more than 900 islands and islets with a total land mass of 28, 785 square kilometers, so there is always room for one more. (LOL).

Traditionally, Solomon Islands is known as the “happy Isles” because people are always happy, generally everyone you meet smiles. Speaking of smile, this could be mistaken for facial reaction to the rich sunlight in the country but we are a friendly bunch! At the moment we are in the process of re-branding our country. I do hope it is a good thing.
Finally, some interesting information:
1. Our capital only city in the country is Honiara.
2. We host the world’s longest lagoon (Marovo lagoon) located in the beautiful Western Province.
3. We take pride in our rich biodiversity and rich marine ecosystem where we host a rich array of endemic species of both plants and animals.
4. Finally it sits on a ring of fire making it prone to earth quakes and potential volcano eruption.
Speaking of volcanoes, we do have a few active volcanoes but not to worry, it won’t erupt during your visit.
Hope to see you around.