My hot mess of a 2022

My 2022 has been a hot mess in a good way, with an equal number of highs and lows, all which I am very proud of.
On the work front I still work for the Pacific Community’s Public Health Division looking after communications and media. Work has been busy, challenging yet fun and I continue to work with incredible people in the region for Pacific health. I am excited for 2023 and what new work challenges come my way.
Socially, I have been all over the place and many of you say how do I find the energy to do what I do! I think it’s because I am an ambivert, which is a balance of extrovert and introvert personality. I can be social continuously and there are days where I refuse to leave my house and interact with people. That’s how.
This year I was proud to host my first International Women’s Day event and co-host a Pride event. I also had an incredible time working with the Fiji Fashion Week team as their brand ambassador and concluded that journey on a high fashion note! The events held this year were fashionably fabulous, and my family and dear friends were all part of this making it even more fun!
I did turn 35 this year and as much as I find it scary that I am getting older, I am starting to enjoy the fact that I am in a good place in life and the rest of (God willing) days and years will only see me become the best version of myself.
This year saw me try hard with staying active and fit. I continued running and started to gym properly. Yes, apparently, I would go to the gym and not even know what I was doing despite doing what I was doing. Ok that’s a mouth full, but a wise person told me if I wanted my body to look good and better, I would need to gym correctly. Which I know nothing of and was recommended that Alo (Metro gym) train me or should I say kill me with each session. Thank you Alo for pushing me and putting up with me. See you next year! People, watch out for me, coz 2023 my body and I coming in hotterrrr! Haha!
Friends and family- what would I do without you! It’s amazing how these people propel through the year with you and into another year of madness. Forever grateful to my circle, because honestly what would my hot mess of a life be without you!

Over the years, I have had people tell me how I should dress, what I should post, what my blogs should be about and they have all these different perceptions and narratives created about me. Honestly, I really don't care because I will continue to choose what makes me happy even while I look like a clown doing it!
For 2022, the one thing I realized is that I kinda got better at saying no and also becoming better at choosing my peace of mind over everything. I guess the same will apply in 2023, if people, places, and things are not making me happy or disrupting my peace of mind, I won’t put up with that.
Excited for 2023 and here’s hoping its another year for me to become a hotter mess while manifesting and hoping for the best I deserve ever!
Signing off my broken record of a blog for 2022, and thanks for reading and sending me messages on how you relate, or find me funny, or have a suggestion for me or how my blog helped you. Means the world to me.