Is this cuisine starting to trend in Fiji?

I was a curious bee when I saw construction happening on the corner of mead road/princess road and then the signboard went up Yancheng BBQ & Grill. This is across from MH Superfresh in Tamavua to be precise. (I dislike cats hence bee, also I hope I got the name spelt correctly!).
When the signboard went up I was like “ah so another one similar to that in town". Driving past this place at night is so distracting with the fairy lights and all but it does get your attention and we finally made it here one slow night. In fact it is conveniently located close to where we live.
Let me also say that Kamal is an expert when it comes to Chinese cuisine given his numerous trips to China so he digs in happily to authentic food I would otherwise scoff at. (I LOVE our Fijian Chinese and Korean dishes more).
I did not bother looking at the menu and left it to Kamal to decide. He went all excited seeing sea fungus on the menu and immediately ordered that along with chicken and lamb skewers and beef for the BBQ plate in front of us. Boiled peanuts and vegetables as sides were complimentary.
There was an interesting display of Chinese soft drinks and the waitress recommended pear soda which came in this bottle with a pear on it and tasted just as a pear would. (Honestly, I do not know how better to describe this).

All in all, staff were friendly, efficient and service was on point and Kamal was extremely happy with the authentic food served. The skewers were my favorite and is now my go to thing the next time.
It has indoor seating but the outdoor seating is pretty cool and will be appreciated by all when the sweltering hot season is upon us. It was clean and well lit despite it appearing to be still in “set up” mode with its recent opening.

This place is also great for family and groups. So next time you are stuck in traffic on Princess Road give yourself a skewer break and check it out!
Sigh* I am forever eating!