What does hospitality mean to you?

When we are talking about the hotel and resort industry, to me hospitality means- being polite, attentive, friendly and somewhat honest. But what happens when you don’t receive the intended hospitality especially after having stayed at the same place previously.
Warwick Resort Fiji is a beautiful place no doubt. We have stayed here before and enjoyed the services and facilities. This time around I do not understand what went wrong.
So after breakfast we hung around by the beach just chilling and enjoying a drink. My brother and his wife decided to join us for lunch. We opted for a late lunch and by the time we reached the restaurant, I was starving. And unfortunately this had to happen to me! #whytho
We all placed our orders and I decided for a light meal since I was already planning on having a lavish dinner. So I selected Fattouch- a salad comprising of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuces, green capsicum, red radish, olive oil, seasoned with sumac powder topped with crispy Arabic bread.
YUM. Except, the crispy Arabic bread was missing. The waitress appeared at our table with the others meals and I attempted to ask her expect she was clearly not in an attentive mood. Finally when I got her attention the second time she appeared to our table, I asked her “Crispy Arabic Bread seems to be missing from this salad.” She just gave me a “don’t ask me silly question look” and walked away. I was starving and much to the amusement of Kamal and my brother I started eating, despite being disappointed. (Also who does not love crispy bread!)
The waitress soon came back and slammed down a plate with 2 small bread rolls and butter. Me- still not impressed even though the salad was yummy and I did finish the entire plate (eat your green yo!) 1. The menu said crispy Arabic bread 2. You did not answer my question and 3. It was not just about the crispy bread 4. Vinaka for the bread roll, I will eat the damn thing because that is what we Fijians love right!
I regretted not ordering the catch of the day or any other meals- but too late. We have been to MANY PLACES. Particularly locally and have come across extremely friendly locals in the hospitality sector that have interacted with us in wonderful conversations and jokes yet keeping the service hospitable and on point. Even though they had to serve someone else, they have the decency to let us know that they would be with us in a moment. Get what I mean? Not all people employed in the hotel and resort industry are the same but I am referring to a handful that perhaps do not enjoy their job and end up screwing it for others. Again, I know we are all humans and errors are made, but there are words like "I am sorry and what can I do to ensure you are happy with this service."
So folks, all I am trying to say is that service delivery and a hospitable one, is what we expect from the hotel and resort industry. Especially when we love to indulge and it does cost a fortune, besides hard earned money does not come easily.