Connecting through social media

Social media- connecting people from all over the place in ways unimaginable. Some interactions may be sinister encounters or trolling while the other times it leads to love and new formed friendships.
I enjoy Instagram and constantly find myself trying to post that instagrammable picture, as we all do. Anyway, today i write about how people can connect and become friends in the real world.
Roni, all the way from India decided to follow me on Instagram and naturally i followed her back. Soon enough a message pinged from her saying something along the lines of "You have such nice pictures....etc etc". After a few pleasantries exchanged she was like, "So my hubby has moved to Fiji for a job and i was curious to know, see and learn about Fiji through you and your profile". (Not the exact words but something along those lines!).
So after months of sharing words here and there, I see a post of her in FIJI! I was excited of course, because at the time there was no conversation about Roni actually moving to Fiji.
After a week of her time in Fiji, it was time to catch up and this was done in style at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva. I dragged my husband Kamal along, who was very apprehesive about the whole thing, because they were a complete stranger to us.
We met them at around 6pm and had a plan to leave in an hours time. But we connected so well that we all ended up leaving at 11pm that night! Just so many good conversations to talk and learn about.
After that evening, we knew that a new set of friends was found and in what a way! Well, the next week Roni and I along with my friend from work Judith decided to have lunch at the galley.
It again involved interesting conversation and Judith got to know abit more about India!
Anyway, that is how we connected and I am sure that we will have many adventures to go on together. Roni is here for 2 years and looks at making the most of her time here in Fiji.