Mirror Moments: Self Reflection

Here I am adding the “yes my blog is still around” post by talking about self-reflection. I know I have been slack when it comes to this and many of you keep asking for the next story of my life and experiences and even podcast. Life has been busy with other competing priorities aka my real job. But I do have a whole lot of things to publish and share with you, which you will get to read more consistently in 2024.
Self-reflection- the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behaviour, and the reasons that may lie behind them.
One thing that has been a constant for me this past year has been self-reflection. Realizing what and how I am as a human being. I have a lot of people to thank for that if I am being completely honest- friends, family and people I have crossed paths with. This is a personal reflection and if you can relate to it then great and if not then I reckon you totally need your own self-reflection journey😊.
I am an ambivert which is I can go from being all out to not wanting to leave the house at all, just to give you context. By nature, I am an overthinker and only through self- reflection, I have been practising and learning to control that and ask myself if my overthinking will help me or not. There have been times where I overthought a situation and even asked hard questions and sure enough the answers were an indication that I should have removed myself from that situation. At times it helped me realize that if I don’t want to go or if I don’t want to do something I should simply say no instead of making excuses. I am now more in control of my over-thinking especially when it puts me into a downward spiral. But I also think it is part of my intuitive process when it comes to people, places, and things.
I keep telling others, that if it is not making you happy why stay in it right? But then realized I was not practising what I was advocating for. So, I started to practice that, while I can’t really say what it is for me now, just know that I have some cool plans lined up and I cannot wait for it to all happen.
The other realisation for 2023 has been (and perhaps what you have been eager to read here more than anything!) is that I should not be getting into another relationship. I realized that I never really allowed myself an extended single period. Infact, it has never taken me too long to get into another relationship. I seem to have a guy available after the next LOL. I have gone on dates, gotten into a relationship, situationship and another relationship and so forth.
I realized that I tend to stay in a relationship longer than I should, despite knowing that I should have left earlier on. I give a 100% always, but then again through self-reflection and realisation I believe and know that this is not a bad thing, I just need to be with someone who matches that. I have never been afraid of being alone, but I do think it’s the companionship, being able to do fun things and share things is what always propels me towards getting into a relationship. I love my space and I love living alone and that is something that I have gotten so use to and I am happy with that. For now, I have decided that no more being happy with breadcrumbs when I know I can get the whole damn bakery!
It has been a busy year for me as it has been for many of you. I am thankful to be surrounded by friends and family who have held me accountable along the way.
My self-reflection on this past year has made me realize I don’t give myself enough credit and kindness and I need to do that more.
So thank you to me 😊