A Perspective of Suva through this Exhibition

When I first heard about this photography exhibition- Shadow lines and silhouettes by Joseph Hing, I was excited and curious in equal parts. The Oceania Centre at the University of the South Pacific (USP) and Art talk Fiji collaborated to facilitate this exhibition.

I know Joseph Hing personally and have had the privilege to work with this amazing human during my time at the Health Ministry and then for TEDxSuva. Joseph is a graphic artist and has 10 years of experience with photography amongst other cool stuff that he does. (He is super talented btw).
The exhibition opening night was well attended and though I had to leave when the few speeches commenced, I was amazed at what I got to see.
If you have been to Suva City you would be familiar with those landmarks, buildings and familiar spaces that we all have trodden through. The exhibition states and I quote “The city caught in the past and the promising future tells a tale….”, and I felt this resonates well with Joseph’s exhibition.
The photographs captured are riveting and while Joseph has captured familiar landmarks, buildings and roads, my eyes found these captures unfamiliar. Ever stopped to see the view of Suva through Tiko’s floating restaurant corridor, or that alley on Waimanu Road and the view of Suva streets through the front of a cab?
For me these black and white photographs really challenged the perspectives of my eyes and how it has viewed Suva all along.
And dear Joseph, congratulations on this exhibition and I look forward to more from you. Also know that I wanted to sign off this brief with our common hashtag joke but I’d rather not…wink wink.
Shadow lines and silhouettes by Joseph Hing is currently on display at the Oceania Centre, USP till the 12th of July. I have shared minimum pictures of the actual exhibition, only so that you go and check it out yourself!