Preparing for a wedding

It is perfectly normal for families in Fiji to organize their own weddings instead of engaging a wedding planner. Wedding planners are booming in Fiji and their work is amazing. (I know this because I stalk all their social accounts and it is so inspiring).
So, as I was saying we love to organize and plan our own weddings. Everyone in the family becomes an expert and that is where all the fun and drama lies.
My younger brother got married over the weekend and it was pretty hectic yet fun being part of the wedding preparations.
The most important part of a wedding is FOOD. This is given utmost attention ever! A typical menu would be Chicken Palau, Puri, Allu Matar Baigan and chutney (google that if you don't know what it means).
It was a rainy weekend but this did not stop our wedding preparation marathon.
We were all busy running around trying to roll puri's, decorate the main stage, pack wedding favors and the works. One thing I found was that we in Fiji, do not have a proper one stop wedding shop or party shop. Someone please look into this kerekere!
But till then, us Fijians will make do with what we have even if it means running out of the theme color blue and using red instead!