The subtle art of making your own sushi!

I bought a sushi kit with the hope to master the art of making my own sushi. I love sushi!

Anyway, so after a few weeks of staring at it I finally decided to give it a shot! I could not have made it on my own and had help from my wonderful friend Aman.
It is actually easy to make but not easy to perfect to be honest.
All you need is: Sushi kit, patience, carrots, cucumbers, teriyaki chicken or salmon and prepared sushi rice, then you layer everything up and roll it up.
It is a fun to make sushi with friends or family given that there are the different moving parts to it. I also think it is cheaper to buy sushi then make it at home. I usually get sushi from Daikoku or from Great Ocean in Flagstaff.

Great respect to the original sushi masters always!