People Adapting To Transport Infrastructure

Honiara.- This is a sign of positive development and desired change as far as infrastructure development in concerned.
However, on the other hand, I am concerned at the lack of equity consideration particularly regarding the elderly and special needs groups. These are vulnerable groups who also have the basic right to access to infrastructure for civil use.
Anecdotal evidence showed that in the past there were cases where individuals from these two vulnerable groups were either killed or almost killed while crossing the road including the stretch of road (insert) in from of the National Referral Hospital (NRH). Speaking of NRH, to access NRH, the only available options are:
Cross the road with or without assistance;
Expected to always be on the side of the road leading to the hospital;
Travel to the hospital via cab or private vehicle (limited to those who can afford) and
Cross the overhead bridge (insert) which is limited only to able people, not to mention it has land mines (being used as a public toilet).
While the conventional understanding is infrastructure to adapt to the needs of all users, here in these beautiful iles, infrastructure users are expected to adapt to infrastructure.