A slice of Tropics at Projects Collective Fiji

First things first, ladies do not venture here with the male species if you are in a hurry as we were. My male was rushing me through my usual 1 hour browse time that I normally take in shops. So you get what I mean right haha!
There is something for both male and female species here btw! I walked out with a cute purchase from BulaHola and coffee to go within minutes and my male species was super impressed with my skills (though I did sulk a bit with me having to rush). I kept stalking these guys on Instagram and told Kamal that we must visit this place on our way home to Suva so we did.
The Projects Collective Fiji houses a range of Island collectives featuring brands such as Little Village Girl, Surf Mud, Eden Reign, Bula Hola, Dilo Up, Fiji Spice Queen, Bimby Roy, Helava, Rise Beyond the Reef, Naina, Tall Poppy Surf, South Sea Treasures, Hanaleia and others.
They stock so many cool local brands and you might just find something for yourself or for others. They are located within Beach House on the Coral Coast. It is also such a cool spot to hang out at with a drink and unwind even if you’re not looking to shop. I did not plan on buying anything but the shopaholic in me never says never!
Because my male is a sweetheart, he has promised to bring me back to here for an extended time and I look forward to that already. Meanwhile, you can find these guys on Instagram and through their website www.theprojectsfiji.com .
Support our Artsian guys and check them out!