This was Served on the Runway:Day 2 Bottega Gold Fijian Fashion Festival

My eyes were feasting on a runway that was strutting fashion after fashion in many senses. Senses being the good, bad and oh my can we “unsense” that?! Samson Lee Fiji
Call me biased because I am. Samson Lee is my favorite and I love how he nails it each and every time. His Moana collection was amazing and the prints were new but still recognisable as THE Samson Lee prints. His collection feature blue shades of the ocean, mixed with earthy tones and a splash of bold colors. Outstanding, I love it, you should be making your way to his boutique right now! But wait please read on…
Vono by Tiana Vono
OMG. Make that OMFG! LOVE LOVE and LOVE. For me this was “Straight outta Vogue”! Such chic and dapper looks with neutral colors and textures. The styling was great and on point, this is something I could actually see being worn in Fiji. Yes and I know of the people that would nail it and I would fan girl them if I saw it out on the streets. Tiana Vono you are amazing!
I love her collection as it always exudes girly flowery vibes and glam. What I loved even more with this one was the addition of those amazing earrings. Her collection, again stands out as recognizable Zilda (if you’re getting what I mean). Also mesh or see through attires with layering is something that would perhaps never go out of style.I loved how Zilda herself walked the ramp.
Pate by Alipate Sowane
Another favorite of mine and congratulations to Alipate Sowane for this debut collection with no one ever guessing that it was his launch. Hats off to him! An interesting play of fabric and print with hushed contrasting tones. Easily a look to wear for day or night.
Jadeine Whiteside
I remember saying- ooh I want that skirt and ooh I want that outfit! Another amazing designer with a drool worthy collection. I mean devil in the details! The masi designs coupled with strips and floral WOW.
Streetlife by Karalina
Interesting collection but not my favorite. But I have to say it was true to its tag of “Streetlife” but I just wished that the denim portions were used differently or in a way that people would actually wear on the street for life.
Deep Blue by Ken MacDonald
And then we had this. I thought this collection was very basic and something that one could find at normal retail stores in numbers. Wait, let me rephrase that basically if you walked out on the street you would see 10 people wearing the same shirt. (I know any business is good business, but still.) I think this collection could have been different and more unique, especially when being featured on a runway.
Rowie Lal Bridal Collection
Pretty. After seeing her Woman Aloud Collection on Day 1 and I do confess that I am after a certain piece from that collection, but for her bridal collection, I was expecting more than the fairy tale wedding dresses.
Well that was my opinion and what appealed to me on the fashion runway. I have been eyeing Jewelry and outfits that I want to get my hands on but before I binge on myself I must get something for Kamal instead.
Anyway that is all from Day 2 of the Bottega Gold Fijian Fashion Festival and I look forward to what 2019 has to offer.
*Photo Credit to the Fijian Fashion Festival page captured by the amazing Allan Stephen