The Newest App in Town

Yes, I am talking about the Pacific's first new free magazine app called Mana Pacific. Let me confess that it took me a wee bit of time to not associate Mana Pacific magazine with Mana Whey Protein-call me silly!
Personally, I love love love purchasing books and magazines as opposed to a Kindle (e- reader device). I would rather you send me a birthday card instead of posting "happy birthday" on my social media accounts. Guess I am still "old fashioned" when it comes to things like this.
But it was my sheer curiosity and a serious case of FOMO that led me to install this app.

I downloaded the app and once you have tapped it open, click read and it loads the magazine- easy! The first thing I loved about it was when I had to close the app because food was calling my name, when I picked up my phone again and reopened the app, it picked up from the page it was closed on. (Also know that I am the least tech savy person hence me thinking that was cool). It did not even take time to reload- winning.

If your wondering about content, well they have it all. It's got lifestyle, travel, style, health, technology, fitness and other topics covered. My favorites are:
1. Street style section- because they featured a good mix of people rather then picking out the same popular faces we see on the same social media channels over and over again.
2. How it talks about the Pacific, Arts and Music- something that I feel we really need to talk and read more about as we have so much great stuff happening in this area.
I would definitely love to read more about health, which I guess future editions might cover given that non communicable diseases is a problem in the Pacific.

Hosanna Kabakoro is the Editor in Chief and co-founder and you can read more about the team behind the magazine in this app.
Oh and in case you did not know and decided to skip the user guide- it can be read offline. Another reason why I will never uninstall this app.
So get the app because you are bound to learn something new from around the Pacific.
In the meantime, while this app is running in the background, I will continue to buy books and expect birthday cards. Cheers!
*The last image is a screenshot from the app off my phone-just FYI*