Walk through Sydney

And just like that, the festive season is upon us again! Except this year, i decided not to host, bake or cook at home but rather take a mini vacation to Australia. Me saying i love Australia is probably an understatement! I am that mad about Australia. Everything just appeals to me so so so so much! It is my FAVORITE Country to visit!
I arrived into Sydney and shuttled to Bethshan to catch up with my parents and brother who were already in Australia also for a holiday. I was visiting Australia only for a week and i had already planned to make the most of my time there.
Being to Sydney a couple of times before, still left me feeling as though i had not explored Sydney properly. So i got my mom to join on a "free walk me tour". We got on a train from Bethshan and headed into Sydney city.
The coolest guides ever!! I mean seriously, so much energy and very animated yet descriptive about each site we stopped at. You pay whatever you want at the end of the tour.
Through this fun walking tour, i learnt about Kangaroo meat and meat pies! There was a whole of bits and pieces of secrets and information about Sydney that i had no knowledge of before.
The tour started off and we went walking about learning about history, Sydney and its secrets. I would recommend everyone to go on this walking tour because it takes you to all those hidden gem of places that one would miss spotting when exploring alone.

We visited heaps of cool places and discovered Sydney secrets...which i will not divulge but rather let you should find out ;)

This involves a lot of walking obviously, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes.
Ok, so while we kept walking around, i needed to go to the bathroom, so as we ducked into use one, we ended up loosing the group! My mom and I were both laughing our heads off for getting left behind but we were also sad that we missed out on discovering more great places. We got lots towards the end of the tour and i have to say that it felt just as bad as missing out on watching the climax of a great movie, if you know what i mean.
If you are in Sydney or even Melbourne, be sure to look up the free walk me tours and enjoy this walking tour around the city that never disappoints. Vinaka Australia!